Friday, June 24, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Dodges Jail Bullet

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan, Celebrity Justice, Stephanie Sautner, Shawn Holley, Developing Stories

Lindsay Lohan will not go to jail, because Judge Stephanie Sautner ruled the prior judge -- Elden Fox -- only required controlled substances testing from January 3 - February 25, 2011. In other words, Judge Fox did not order alcohol testing.

Judge Sautner said Lindsay is now restricted for the remainder of her house arrest to one friend at a time at her Venice loft, in addition to family members.

And, the judge said NO PARTIES at Lindsay's crib.

Judge Sautner said the only thing Lindsay was guilty of was "extremely poor judgment."

Judge Sautner asked Lindsay if she wanted to get on with her life. Lindsay replied, "Yes I do."

And this is interesting. The Probation Dept. cannot test Lindsay anymore for drugs or alcohol, because there's no court order allowing it. So Lindsay is free to drink all she wants, as long as she's not driving after she drinks.

UPDATE: Lindsay just tweeted, "Thank you to all of my fans for your support. Sending you Love and Light."

Slappy Slappy

The judge should have sentenced Lindsay.. not to jail, but over the knee for a good long hard spanking! THAT is the only way this girl is ever going to learn something, and something she should have received a long time ago.

Karen Karen

How long will it be before she crashes her whatever car into an innocent person and kills them and herself? Why do they let her get away with so much?

rdc rdc

party on lindsay, better yet grab a porsche and a friend, obviously the state has no solution for you.

Slappy Slappy

The judge should have sentenced Lindsay.. not to jail, but over the knee for a good long hard spanking! THAT is the only way this girl is ever going to learn something, and something she should have received a long time ago.

Karen Karen

How long will it be before she crashes her whatever car into an innocent person and kills them and herself? Why do they let her get away with so much?

rdc rdc

party on lindsay, better yet grab a porsche and a friend, obviously the state has no solution for you.

Tammy Tammy

I think this is fair. Alcohol is not illegal or a controlled susbtance, except for being 21 or over and she qualifies, so....

Jay Jay

This judge has been holding Lindsay's hands through all of this. Downgrading her felony, allowing house arrest, setting no restrictions regarding drinking alcohol while on house arrest ect ect. Atleast the public knows Lindsay Lohan is full of sh*t and lying about being sober.

Jimmy Page Jimmy Page

She's like John Gotti; The Teflon Don"; nothing sticks to her. Amazing how much trouble she can get into and skate! Good money and lawyers every time.


Gwen Stefani Halle Berry Hayden Panettiere Haylie Duff

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