Friday, July 22, 2011

Casey Anthony Lawyer Negotiates ($$$) w/ Networks

Filed under: Casey Anthony, Jose Baez, Mark Geragos, Celebrity Justice, NBC, ABC, CBS, Deadline

Jose Baez -- Casey Anthony's lawyer -- is holed up at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in New York City, holding court with all of the major networks -- to determine who will score the first interview with Casey -- and big bucks are involved.

Casey Anthony

Sources tell TMZ ... NBC, ABC and CBS are all competing for the first interview.  Sources connected with the negotiations tell TMZ there is a "big price tag" for the interview.  We're told the networks -- which say they don't pay for interviews -- are offering to license photos and other material and pay big bucks ... that's S.O.P. in the network game.

We're told NBC looks like the frontrunner so far, but ABC is in the game.  We're told CBS "is a distant third."  We're told NBC is paying for Baez' hotel room.

Baez spent part of the night Thursday in the Mandarin Oriental bar with famed lawyer Mark Geragos (right) -- who knows a thing or two about high-profile cases.  We're told Geragos gave Baez pointers on negotiating the deal.

Doreen Doreen

Networks are such freaking hypocrites! Shame on them.

Gatanegra Gatanegra

Networks will pay the big money because they know people WILL watch. If you watch, you're part of the problem!

Cindy Cindy

I'll watch, but I expect it to be a lot of nothing said.

Doreen Doreen

Networks are such freaking hypocrites! Shame on them.

Gatanegra Gatanegra

Networks will pay the big money because they know people WILL watch. If you watch, you're part of the problem!

Cindy Cindy

I'll watch, but I expect it to be a lot of nothing said.

becky becky

Whatever station it becomes... I will boycott!!! That woman has nothing to say that I want to hear.

Abe Abe

I can't wait to watch Casey's interview. Whatever network gets her, I'll be watching! x

Bean Reel Bean Reel

Here's what I'd give you for that interview: $0.00 It's not worth a plugged nickel to hear from that woman. Boo and bad karma to whatever Network forks over so much a dime. You can count me o-u-t out!


Yvonne Strzechowski Zhang Ziyi Zoe Saldana Zooey Deschanel

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