Monday, November 21, 2011

Neal Schon & Michaele Salahi -- Laughing at Tareq's Legal Threats

Filed under: Michaele Salahi, Tareq Salahi, Neal Schon

Tareq Salahi may want $17 million from Neal Schon and estranged wife Michaele Salahi -- but judging by their demeanor yesterday, all he'll be getting ... is laughed at.

As TMZ first reported, Tareq fired off a letter to the two ... threatening a lawsuit and demanding they cough up dough for humiliating him their torrid affair. 

We spotted the new couple arriving into Dulles International for Michaele's first trip home since she ... left home. They laughed about Tareq's threats, with Neal saying, "I think some people need to get a grip and move on."

Doesn't seem like that's happening any time soon.


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