Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Scottie Pippen Lawsuit -- I'm Suing EVERYONE Who Falsely Reported I Was Bankrupt

Filed under: Scottie Pippen, TMZ Sports, Celebrity Justice

Scottie Pippen
Scottie Pippen
claims he's been unfairly portrayed in the media as a walking financial disaster -- and now he's suing every media outlet that reported he went bankrupt ... claiming he hasn't been worth LESS than $40,000,000 in the last 10 years. 

Pippen has filed a lawsuit against TONS of online media outlets -- including CBSsports.com, CNBC.com, Arizona State University and more -- claiming they all falsely reported the former Chicago Bulls star had gone belly up.

According to the docs, filed in federal court in Illinois and obtained by TMZ ... Pippen claims, "It is a most foul libel indeed to be falsely accused of being bankrupt."

The lawsuit continues, "Scottie never filed bankruptcy and indeed has a substantial net worth, which has not been less than approximately $40,000,000 in the last ten years."

Pippen claims CNBC.com included him in an article titled, "15 Athletes Gone Bankrupt" ... and CBSsports.com posted a photo of Pippen along with a story about NBA players and bankruptcy.

As for ASU -- Pippen claims he was tagged as a person who had gone bankrupt in a law blog operated by the University.

Pippen claims each media outlet that besmirched his good name should fork over at least $1 MILLION in damages.

Scottie Pippen Lawsuit -- I'm Suing EVERYONE Who Falsely Reported I Was Bankrupt

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