Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dallas Mavericks Star Busted for Public Intoxication

Filed under: DeShawn Stevenson, Celebrity Justice, TMZ Sports, Drunks

Dallas Mavericks guard DeShawn Stevenson was arrested last night for public intoxication in Texas ... TMZ has confirmed.

DeShawn Stevenson
Law enforcement sources tell us, police received a call about some drunk guy wandering around an apartment comlpex in Irving, TX last night -- and when cops showed up, they found Stevenson ... who said he was lost.

Stevenson -- who does not live in the apartment complex -- then flunked a field sobriety test ... and was arrested for public intoxication.

Law enforcement sources tell us, the officers "felt he was a danger to himself and others."

Stevenson -- a major force behind Dallas' victory over Miami on Sunday -- posted $475 bail this morning and was released.

Stevenson's championship celebration started with him gloating in a t-shirt that read, "HEY LEBRON! HOW'S MY DIRK TASTE."

Amanda Amanda

Oh waaaah. Get over it. At least he wasnt behind the wheel wasted like so many others we hear about.

Dnice929 Dnice929

He still looks happier than LeBron

Carl Carl

I'm sure Abraham Lincoln would be proud to see his face tatooed on some guy's neck.


Susan Ward Susie Castillo T.A.T.u. Talisa Soto

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